Quit Smoking Today
1-866-NEW-LUNG provides free quit smoking and quit vaping services in Orange County. These services are available through in-person group seminars, individual counseling, or telephone counseling. All services are available in English, Spanish, Vietnamese, Korean, and Farsi. For more information, download the flyers below.
English | Spanish l Vietnamese | Korean
Let's Talk Cannabis
You can help prevent underage use by starting the conversation about cannabis with youth in your life, and make sure they are aware of potential consequences. Here are some important facts you should know about cannabis and some tips for talking to youth.
English | Spanish | Korean | VietnameseLet's Talk About Tobacco: Conversation Starters for Parents
English/Spanish | English/Vietnamese | English/KoreanTalk with Your Teen About E-cigarettes: A Tip Sheet for Parents
English | Spanish | Vietnamese | KoreanWhat You Need to Know About Vaping
This comprehensive fact sheet from the Tobacco Education Clearinghouse of California educates families on what vaping devices, pods, and e-liquids are. It also addresses flavors, nicotine addiction, and raises awareness of vaping prevalence among teens.
English l Spanish l Vietnamese | Korean
Do you or someone you love want to quit smoking? 1.866.NEW.LUNG offers free tobacco cessation services for Orange County Residents.
Services Include: